01.06.2016. BARRICADES 25. ORIGINS

Vilnius – Riga- Tallinn 2016

Reflections in art / in a memory of 13 / 01 / 1991 (2016 06. 01.– 24. St. John‘s Street Gallery, Riga, Latvia)

International Baltic art exhibition is dedicated to 25th Anniversary of Barricades in 1991. Opening at June 1st, 5.00 p.m. at „St. John‘s Street Gallery“ („Sv. Jono gatves galerija“). The first exhibition of this joint project was opened on 13th January, 2016, in Riga, Latvian Artists Union‘s gallery. There were more than 40 artists represented in this exhibition. Exposition consists of three collections of different artists from different generations. Artworks not directly, but more conceptually reflect the 1991 events and sociopolitical situation nowadays. Different types of media presented, which are unified by the art context, formed in historical background.